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The article is about what people ask you what you do and want to know what your pictures look like on how you do it. The article is also about how the person is done saying introduction or stop stalling and trying to figure out what they where really describing. Some interesting facts I found interesting is how in the beginning it talks about like someone asking you what you do and what kind of photography you do. Another interesting fact that I liked was how it talks about how we define ourselves as or how we see ourselves when we are not doing the thing that defines us.

I found interesting how they found the main interest they liked which was culture. When they started to research ‘cultural photography’ they couldn’t find anything as if it didn’t existed. I found interesting how when they searched ‘culture’ categories there where mostly categories for photographers that mostly spend their time on tribal culture. the article talks about how they found out that culture had not meant just remote culture. it talks about how there is plenty of different  cultures in cities and populated places.

I like how they use something Chief Jimmy of the Naihne tribe in Tanna. I found interesting that Chief Jimmy told them that they used to dress for the photographers that would go but now they don’t because of they wouldn’t dress all the time. I also found interest that how photographers wanted to see traditional culture looks. The article also talks about how they turned to science. they guessed that some different type of science could clarify their process.

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